Some SEO Mistakes and How to Increase SEO Ranking

Search Engine Optimization SEO is a most powerful tools for promoting your business worldwide. Most of the internet users are searching their useful products by using keyword phrases. Most business owners who invest in professional SEO services or try to do it themselves, do not get a good return on their investment of time and money. Here we will explore some common SEO mistakes and SEO tips to get more traffic and get your sites more valuable to the visitors.
1.      1. Keyword Analysis: This is the part of on-page optimization. Without careful research of keywords your site should not get the high traffic. So, first of all you have to select the keywords which are related to your products and theme. And you should also take the less competitive keywords to get top rank in search engines easily.

2.       2. Use long Tail Keywords: There are so many confusing terms in SEO field like "Long Tail SEO". Long tail SEO is a strategy of taking lower-volume and higher-converting keywords and making them work together for a major impact.
For Example:  you offer residential roofing contractor services. It is unlikely that you will rank well for a broad SEO keyword like roofing. Even if you did, the term roofing is very vague. It includes such components as residential roofing, commercial roofing, new roof construction and roof repair. It is far easier and more effective to get SEO ranking for keywords that are specific.  

3.     3. Relevant Body content: After select the keywords you have to keep in your mind that you should use the keyword phrases in the body content. That make your site more valuable to the search engines. So, rewrite the content and add relevant content by the web designing company.  

4.      4.Meta tags: One of the most important SEO techniques is to include meta tags on all optimized pages. Meta tags consist of a title tag, keyword tag and description tag that appear within your coded html page.
If the phrase(s) you're trying to rank well for aren't competitive (that is, few other sites are using the same phrase) then getting good placement is pretty easy: just put the phrases you want to rank , you have to put your phrases in the <title></title> tag and put the pharases also into the body copy.So, first of all you have to put your phrases in <title></title> tag and secondly also put the phrases also in the body copy/body content, don't use the phrases as images.

5        5.Sitemap: Sitemap is very important for a website. Because it is a root structure of your web site and interlinks your pages in a way that makes them easy to read by the search engines. This is not the same as a sitemap that displays for your visitor. Once created, the sitemap should be submitted to Google, Yahoo and MSN as a means of getting your site known to the search engines. Once your site is indexed by the major search engines, they will routinely spider your pages and automatically index content that you add at a later time.

6.      6.Blog: Blog  is also a important part for your site. Here you can add new content daily or weekly which get maximum value from the search engine.
7.     7.Submission: Submission is a part of a off-page optimization. Here also need to follow some rules.
A)     Submit into the appropriate category.
B)      Check the sites where you submit your link is broken or not.

8.     8.Link Building:  Link building which provides back links for your website.
9.      9.Social Media: Social Media is one of the most important part which can increase visitor for your websites.
So, For cheap Seo services or affordable seo services You have to contact some reputed company having experience about SEO , Search Engine Optimization.


odms said...

nice post
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