Reputation management services Company

Reputation Management For online understands the importance of having a positive image online of your business or company. Sometimes negative feedback from your clients or your competitors may destroy your image to other clients and friends also, which is really very painful. Because previously your business was running smoothly but now it is stopped by these kinds of negative impressions or comments.

Removing Negative Search Results:

VirileStone through its reputation management services endeavors to remove all kinds of unfavorable results pertaining to your products, services, brand name and website from the first page by displacing them with positive links and neutral content. Our comprehensive reputation management
services include the following:

Sister Sites:
We create micro-sites or sister sites targeting specific keywords or theme of your main website. These sites will be promoted to complement the first page results about your business and websites.

Social Media Exposure:

If you already do not have social media exposure, we will create social media exposure. We will create new profiles in social media platforms such as Facebook, MySpace, etc., bolstered with aggressive reputation management strategies to get good rankings for your company name.

RSS Feeds:

We will create and distribute press releases and content refreshing articles to create positive links in the first page results.

Online Business Profiling:

Successful reputation management is just not about having large number of links but it is about having quality links. Our reputation management services will therefore get you good quality links from relevant websites.


Our reputation management service will also help you by creating blog sites and by blogging. We will manage your blog by feeding fresh content regularly to support your online reputation. A well managed blog is always a great asset for a company’s online reputation.

Building Wiki:

For most search terms Wikipedia ranks #1. However, as opposed to the wrong conception that many people hold, it is not possible to rank private content posted in Wikipedia as part of effective reputation management strategy. Even if this should be possible, defamers can still attack you and ruin your reputation there easily. Rather than depending on Wikipedia, you can build your own wiki site in which you will be the sole authority that decides who posts in your wiki site.

Multimedia Platforms:

Our comprehensive reputation management services will also try to improve your reputation by using video sharing sites and video sharing sites to ensure that your image is enhanced in all possible avenues.

How to create back links?

First of all we have know about back links, means what are back links?  Back links are incoming links to a website or web page. Backlinks enable you to keep track of other pages on the web that link to your posts. More number of back links means that the popularity or importance of that website or page. In basic link terminology, a backlink is any link received by a web node (web page, directory, website, or top level domain) from another web node.
Increasing back links is most important part of seo. Because, without back links your site will not get value to the search engine and also not getting more traffic. For this You have maintain some rules for getting back links. Such as:

  •         Directory Submission.
  •        Article Submission.
  •        Press Release Submission.
  •        Social Bookmarking.
  •        Video Submission.
  •        Profile Creation.
  •        Classified/adds.
  •        Blog posting.
  •        Link Building.

These all the tactics increase back links for your websites. With the help of some seo submission company you can get these services. Increasing backlinks to your site is very easy, but something that typically is totally overlooked. So many bloggers worry about why their posts/articles don’t receive any comments… where in reality you should be only worried about commenting on other blog sites. Commenting is the key to increasing backlinks. For every comment you leave on another blog site, eventually this will count as a backlink. It does take time for Google to account for the link and attribute the backlink back to your site. It seems like once every four months is when Google updates their Page Rank and search engine ranking. But again, it is just a matter of time before Google does find the pages you comment on.
Commenting on other sites that make your back links get values from search engine. You have to keep in your mind that not  to spam people on other sites. If you comment on another site, make sure the content reflects that high quality and unique content.
Know more about Search engine ranking and seo submission please contact with us .. We are always ready to help you.

Some SEO Mistakes and How to Increase SEO Ranking

Search Engine Optimization SEO is a most powerful tools for promoting your business worldwide. Most of the internet users are searching their useful products by using keyword phrases. Most business owners who invest in professional SEO services or try to do it themselves, do not get a good return on their investment of time and money. Here we will explore some common SEO mistakes and SEO tips to get more traffic and get your sites more valuable to the visitors.
1.      1. Keyword Analysis: This is the part of on-page optimization. Without careful research of keywords your site should not get the high traffic. So, first of all you have to select the keywords which are related to your products and theme. And you should also take the less competitive keywords to get top rank in search engines easily.

2.       2. Use long Tail Keywords: There are so many confusing terms in SEO field like "Long Tail SEO". Long tail SEO is a strategy of taking lower-volume and higher-converting keywords and making them work together for a major impact.
For Example:  you offer residential roofing contractor services. It is unlikely that you will rank well for a broad SEO keyword like roofing. Even if you did, the term roofing is very vague. It includes such components as residential roofing, commercial roofing, new roof construction and roof repair. It is far easier and more effective to get SEO ranking for keywords that are specific.  

3.     3. Relevant Body content: After select the keywords you have to keep in your mind that you should use the keyword phrases in the body content. That make your site more valuable to the search engines. So, rewrite the content and add relevant content by the web designing company.  

4.      4.Meta tags: One of the most important SEO techniques is to include meta tags on all optimized pages. Meta tags consist of a title tag, keyword tag and description tag that appear within your coded html page.
If the phrase(s) you're trying to rank well for aren't competitive (that is, few other sites are using the same phrase) then getting good placement is pretty easy: just put the phrases you want to rank , you have to put your phrases in the <title></title> tag and put the pharases also into the body copy.So, first of all you have to put your phrases in <title></title> tag and secondly also put the phrases also in the body copy/body content, don't use the phrases as images.

5        5.Sitemap: Sitemap is very important for a website. Because it is a root structure of your web site and interlinks your pages in a way that makes them easy to read by the search engines. This is not the same as a sitemap that displays for your visitor. Once created, the sitemap should be submitted to Google, Yahoo and MSN as a means of getting your site known to the search engines. Once your site is indexed by the major search engines, they will routinely spider your pages and automatically index content that you add at a later time.

6.      6.Blog: Blog  is also a important part for your site. Here you can add new content daily or weekly which get maximum value from the search engine.
7.     7.Submission: Submission is a part of a off-page optimization. Here also need to follow some rules.
A)     Submit into the appropriate category.
B)      Check the sites where you submit your link is broken or not.

8.     8.Link Building:  Link building which provides back links for your website.
9.      9.Social Media: Social Media is one of the most important part which can increase visitor for your websites.
So, For cheap Seo services or affordable seo services You have to contact some reputed company having experience about SEO , Search Engine Optimization.